Saturday, December 28, 2019
Fate The True Agent - 1352 Words
Fate: The True Agent at Work in the Iliad Fate has a huge effect on the lives of people all over the world; whether it is determining who we meet, where we go, or the type of person we end up becoming, it is fair to assume that the future intrigues people. Sure, people are faced with choices and can make decisions that have a heavy bearing on their reality for the future, but many people like to believe that fate is the ultimate determining force in their life. Though their actions may slightly alter the results of oneââ¬â¢s life, it is believed that fate will always find a way to thrive. Fate suggests lack of control, while itsââ¬â¢ counter agency suggests control over destiny. Homerââ¬â¢s Iliad is an epic poem illustrating the plight of humanityâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The battle between Sarpedon and Patroclus is significant because Zeus knows that the eventual death of Patroclus will force Achilles to fight for the Greeks and in turn satisfy the request of Thetis. While the selected passage defines the Zeus ââ¬â¢ agency as a major influence, he is limited by the Patroclusââ¬â¢ fate and the fact that it would ruin the standard of fairness for all of the gods, making it evident that fate has the final say even more so than the gods do. While deciding the fate of Sarpedon, Zeus looks to Hera for advice and Homer uses instructive tone for her advice towards him. It is said that Sarpedon is destined to die so that the death of Patroclus will be much more devastating. Hera is aware of this, and during her instruction, she tells Zeus to ââ¬Å"leave Sarpedon there to die in the brutal onslaughtâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (427; line 536), which is a very specific task. This task is very demanding, considering the fact that Zeus who is often revered as one of the highest gods certainly had the power to do what he wanted to do. Heraââ¬â¢s instructive tone, Zeusââ¬â¢ decision on whether or not he should save Sarpedon could have been way different. Zeus could have saved his son by exercising his own free will against fate. However, he did not because as Hera said, ââ¬Å"none of the deathless gods will ever praise [him]â⬠(427; line 527) if he did. The idea of glory motivated Zeus to let the so called fate take control in this instance. Perhaps the most important
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Construction Of Panjagutta Flyover - 3584 Words
Scenario During the construction of panjagutta flyover sudden collapsion of flyover took place on 9th September year 2007.A flyover under construction at panjagutta has collapsed leaving 15 people dead, there was no particular reasons founds for the sudden collapsion of panjagutta flyover. It is still uncertain if the incident happened because lack of quantity in the recently undertaken works, lack of safety measures or due to heavy rains occurred. The foundation stone construction of the bridge was done in September 2005, the flyover works were delayed and he administration extended the dead line of the completion of flyover and asked the company to complete work according to their comfort. The total road length of the project i.e.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A range of possible meanings of Risk -Risk = an unwanted event which may or may not occur - Risk = the cause of an unwanted event which may or may not occur. -Risk = the probability of unwanted event which may or may not occur. -Risk ââ¬â The statistical expectation value of unwanted event which may or may not occur. Some safety measures should be taken before constructing a highway. Workers Safety : As our highway infrastructures agency and many transport agencies are focusing on rebuilding and improving existing road ways. That means more hard work is being performed on roadways that are open to traffic. Worker Visibility: ï ¶ ââ¬âRequires the use of high visibility safety apparels by workers who are working with the sights of way of federal and highway. ï ¶ High visibility standards ââ¬â Provides a guide to the design performance specifications and use of high visibility and reflective apparel including vests, Jackets, Blub /jumpsuit coveralls trousers and harness. ï ¶ NWSH recommendations to prevent back over injuries and fataceteces ââ¬â Provides recommendations for employees and include topics such as equipment operation and servicing communication and training. ï ¶ NIOSH construction equipment visibility ââ¬â Discusses the national institute of occupations safety and healthââ¬â¢s (NIOSH) efforts to reduce the number of workers struck by road construction equipment. ï ¶ Know the bund sports ââ¬â This illustrates hazards
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Musical Cannon Essay Example For Students
The Musical Cannon Essay The musical canon put simply, is a form of disciplining music. As Augustine once suggested Music is the art of measuring well. The canon is a list of composers or works that are assigned value and greatness by consensus 1 However, the canon will always call into question the nature of its exclusions and which composers make it in and which composers do not. The Canon, promotes proper decorum, and ensures proper conduct2 Authors such as Adorn and Herkimer, members of the Frankfurt School during the twentieth century, recognized that music and the canon does not tank on its own, but in fact it was socially situated with people of dominant countries, class and society such as Germany. They believed that the audience were passive and never called into question why and how these particular composers deserved their place in the canon. Author Joseph German, a leading figure from the American musicologists urged a change from positivistic to critical thinking and searched for the meaning of music. New trends, constant critical thinking and questioning of the meaning of music, have caused this re-view of the dominance of he canon which brings us to look at its advantages and disadvantages. To understand the canon thoroughly we first must look at why it had become so popular and given such significance in the late eighteenth century. One of its main sources for its development is the rise of the bourgeois class in society. They can be described as culturally the man or woman who is a member of the wealthiest social class of a given society, and their materialistic values. They began to identify themselves artistically and institutionalized a musical life. This new musical prestige was separate to their sacred and courtly life. Musics sudden popularity gave rise to the public concert in England, France and central Europe and commissioned work. The advantages of this growth of the canon and its repertoires were the fast spread of stunning classical music and a gratitude for great work amongst many. It gave work and a new role to audiences, performers, composers and critics. However, it was only available to those who could afford it and these repertories of the composers from this tight knit canon reinforced the status quo. Lydia Goers summarizes the arguments for and against the canon during its development in the ate eighteenth century and mid nineteenth century, The former have tended to defend canonic works as rightly belonging to the canon, or as having stood the test of time, by their virtue of representing the noble values of the true, the good and the beautiful. They have seen their task as defending unprejudiced Judgment and value. Detractors, contrarily, have criticized the canon for its elitism, or for its claimed purity, nonpolitical and aestheticism. 3 The spread of these canons and repertoire was reinforced by the publishing houses and printing Journals like Proprietor Heartless collected editions in the late nineteenth century which brought upon strong national identities. In Germany it became associated with a dominant national culture (the Brahms symphony obscures the Burch symphony). The main disadvantage of the canon was that it ostracizes and suppressed further the lower The Musical Cannon By Londonderry 1 1 suit the specific area of music. The first being the listeners canon, these were considered as standard works usually to reappear commonly during the numerous concert programmer and frequently purchased recordings. The performers canon ere the works considered essential in any performers repertoire on any instrument. It would have been quite displeasing and shocking to not perform one of these. Examples of these performers canon were the Beethoven sonatas, or Debussy Preludes for a pianist. .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .postImageUrl , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:hover , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:visited , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:active { border:0!important; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:active , .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33 .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4344b2de7029e2734af7c33cd233ca33:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Why I Love Music EssayThe third of the groups was the canons of music history and musicologists canons. This set of composers and works were looked upon and admired as central to the study and understanding of western art music. The further development of the canon in the nineteenth century with the publishing of complete editions defined these composers as prestigious. Some composers and their works that were primary in the canon included Palestinians Pope Marvelous Mass (1 567), Handels Messiah (1742) and Royal Fireworks Music (1749), Bachs B Minor Mass (1735) along with his Cantatas. Beethovens music became momentous and widely acknowledged soon after. Nevertheless the canon remained to exclude the less important composers and music such as any women composers and composers in peripheral countries such as Ireland, Portugal and Sweden. Author and feminist Lillian S. Robinson, considers the disadvantage of the canon, is its bias and sexist tauter. A gentleman, is inescapably-that is, by definition- a member of a privileged class and of the male sex. From this perspective, it is probably quite accurate to think of the canon as an entirely gentlemanly artifact. 4 There is a definite distinction between canon and repertory. German defines them in two ways, A canon is an idea; a repertory is a programmer of action5 and that repertories are determined by composers; canons by critics6. Musics evanescence distinguished between canon and repertoire by its greatness and assigned value by consensus. Before the nineteenth century repertoire only consisted of music of the pres ent generations and one or two proceeding generations. The canon began to grow and develop. The critics who wrote them became more open minded and this was a positive move in the right direction for more modern and less well established composers. After the sass when new music entered the repertory, old music did not always drop out, for example Beethoven and Rossini were added to, not replaced. The repertory now gained a new dimension, a historical value, music assumed a history. Secular and Sacred repertories revised their canons and extended the Lutheran and Anglican radiation back 200 years. There were many exceptions who maintained their importance in the canon as far as 100 years after they were written (E. G. Jean Baptists Lully) Music had now, in the nineteenth century gained a deeper and more meaningful role in society. The canon and the literary tradition was also quite interesting as author and literary man E. T. A Hoffman began the connotation of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven and classified them as the three great Romantic composers in 1810, even though Haydn and Mozart would generally be classified as classical composers. Hoffman created this trinity of great composers and based it upon the literary works of the Greek tragedies, Beethoven now assumed as great a significance as Shakespeare, showing that music and the writing down of scores developed a new importance, and could now been seen as texts open for criticism, Disreputableness found their way into most peoples home, bourgeois status or lower/middle class making it more widely available and less elitist. Developing on further into the twentieth century with the creation of records has changed musical life in the most comprehensive way, through sound. An advantage of this is that people of all institutions and educational standards can appreciate it. The disadvantage is however the most vulnerable category of music, which is modern twentieth century music, is seldom played in public. The philosophy of modern music is a pioneer effort in a unique direction7 Therefore it is out of the norm and does not fit the status quo amongst the canon, showing that the canon is still influential and has a strong hold amongst society even in the twenty first century. The re-view of the canon from many critics has caused some people to look more loosely at its disadvantages. .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .postImageUrl , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:hover , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:visited , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:active { border:0!important; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:active , .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5 .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud4e5da0d887ff4e267333210316822a5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Importance of Practicing, Especially in Music EssayEdward Rottenest from The New York Times described the canon in a very negative way with an anaconda like hold of the nineteenth century music in todays repertory not making any room for modernism. Virgil Thompson the appreciation racket in The State of Music (1939) stems from the very anti romantic reaction after tragic events and loss following WWW and stopped listening to the highly emotional and sensuous music by Wagner and Beethoven. The advantages of these attacks however have led to a positive turnaround of events. The canon has now re-grouped to include composers such as Oberlin, Mussorgsky, Verdi, Rachmaninoff and Mailer. There is now an interest in pre Bach music such as Byrd and Gabrielle. To conclude my essay, looking at the canon today, it is unfortunate after these attacks that there was a very harrowing realization that the repertoire was no longer growing by the addition of new or at least modernist music because of the empiricists that had created this definite way of ordering and compiling the greatest composers. There is certainly a need for post modernists to included composers who have been marginalia because they are alternative. We must ask ourselves are musical works composed by less famous composers not worth listening to? Despite the attacks and challenges faced by the canon it is not at all ready to lie down and die in the interest of a changing and evolving cultural society. Critics such as Harold Bloom and George Steiner believe the continuing value of the canon to our culture lies in its celebration of those qualities which refuse to yield to contingent explanation, its celebration of truly great works of art8 which greatness I Anton and would not disagree with.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Legal Protection For Minorities Essay Example For Students
Legal Protection For Minorities? Essay Do you think that special interest groups such as homosexuals, women, and other minorities need special constitutional amendments to protect them from discrimination? Explain. Whenever this subject is brought up it usually brings a lot of controversy with it. I am one of many I am sure who is torn when it comes to discussing the rights of minority groups. Although I dont feel that any specific group deserves special protection over another group; I do feel that all groups of people deserve equal protection under the law regardless of race, nationality, religion, political views, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Most all of these minority groups are protected under the law but one that isnt are gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Employment discrimination is the most common complaint received by the American Civil Liberties Union from gays and lesbians. As of mid-1996, Americans can be legally fired from their jobs simply because of their sexual orientation in 41 states. That number is still the same to this very day. A study showed that gays earned from 11 to 17% less and lesbians earn 5 to 14% less than the national average. The American Civil Liberties Union claims that the only thing close to a representative survey suggests that lesbians and gay men generally earn less than their heterosexual counterparts. But even if the average homosexual earned more than the average heterosexual, there would still be many gays and lesbians discriminated against in employment, and in need of legal protection of some sort. When the first civil rights bill to follow the US civil war was debated in Congress, it was criticized for granting special rights to Afro-Americans. When the Civil Rights Act was debated in 1964, it was criticized because it would attack individual freedom of choice in hiring. But it passed. It guaranteed protection against discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, and disability. But the Civil rights Act gave no protection for people on the basis of sexual orientation. As of October 1998, only 12 states in the US had passed civil rights legislation protecting homosexual worker. This means that in 80% of the states, an employer is perfectly within their rights to fire (or refuse to hire, or refuse to promote) an employee solely because of their sexual orientation. This puts heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals all at risk of being fired. A bill was introduced in the mid 1970s which would do for gays and lesbians what it had done for Afro-Americans, and women and others. It went nowhere. Another version of the bill was presented to congress in 1994. It was called the Employment Non-Discrimination Act or ENDA. It was supported by President. Clinton, and reintroduced in September of 1996 with the backing of the House and Senate Democratic minority leaders. The bill was characterized by conservative Republicans as controversial, immoral, and un-American. Although it made it to the Senate it was not passed, and would not have had a chance at all in the house. Homosexuality, though not supported by many Americans, is a way of life; and no reason for someone to be legally discriminated against under United States law. America is supposed to be a land of equal opportunity; not a land of equal opportunity for everyone except those who lead lifestyles different than ours. Social Issues Essays
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Essay Example Essay Example
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Essay Example Paper Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Essay Introduction Extra Credit Jon George Mrs. Dvorak College Success December 1st 2011 Babe Ruth ââ¬â The homerun king for ages was Babe Ruth. He played for the New York Yankees. In his earlier years he was a right handed pitcher in the MLB but switched to a hitter. He is now 3rd on the all time homerun list behind Hank Aaron who is second and Barry Bonds. Babe Ruth was born in Pigtown, Baltimore. Michael Jordan ââ¬â In the eyes of many people Michael Jordan was the best basketball player in the world. He played for the Chicago bulls winning 7 NBA titles. He played in minor leagues of the MLB trying to follow in his fatherââ¬â¢s foot steps. He returned to basketball shortly after trying out his baseball career. Michael Jordan was born in the rough streets of Brooklyn New York. Lance Armstrong ââ¬â Tour de France first overall finalist is know other then Lance Armstrong. Lance is a very out standing individual who has battled cancer and continually fought against it and returned to Bicy cling after is recovery. Lance is a remarkable human being he is looked up to by lots of people in world for his heroic accomplishments. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Essay Body Paragraphs Lance was born in the southern sector of Dallas, Texas. Walt Disney ââ¬â was an American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon, and philanthropist, well-known for his influence in the field of entertainment during the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. Walt Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois. Mark McGwire ââ¬â For his career, McGwire averaged a home run once every 10. 1 at bats, the lowest at bats per home run ratio in baseball history. In 1987, he broke the single-season home run record for rookies, with 49. In 1998, McGwire achieved national fame for their home run-hitting prowess in pursuit of Roger Marisââ¬â¢ single season home run record; McGwire broke the record and hit 70 home runs that year. McGwire was born in Pomona, California. Carl Louis ââ¬â is an American former track and field athlete, who won 10 Olympic medals including 9 gold, and 10 World Championships medals, of which 8 were gold. His career spanned from 1979 when he first achieved a world ranking to 1996 when he last won an Olympic title and subsequently retired. Lewis became an actor and has appeared in a number of films. Lewis was born in Walnut, Kansas. Jerry Seinfield ââ¬â is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and television and film producer, known for playing a semi-fictional version of himself in the sit com Seinfield (1989ââ¬â1998), which he co-created and co-wrote with Larry David, and, in the showââ¬â¢s final two seasons, co-executive-produced. He is considered, by many stand-up comedians, to be one of the best of all time. Jerrin was born in Brooklyn, New York. Elvis Presley ââ¬â (January 8, 1935ââ¬â August 16, 1977) was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. A cultural icon, he is widely known by the s ingle name Elvis. He is often referred to as the ââ¬Å"King of Rock and Rollâ⬠or simply ââ¬Å"the Kingâ⬠. Elvis was born in Tuelpo, Mississippi. Lucille Ball ââ¬â (August 6, 1911ââ¬â April 26, 1989) was an American comedian, film, television, stage and radio actress, model, film and television executive, and star of the sitcoms I Love Lucy, The Lucyââ¬âDesi Comedy Hour, The Lucy Show, Hereââ¬â¢s Lucy and Life With Lucy. One of the most popular and influential stars in the United States during her lifetime, with one of Hollywoodââ¬â¢s longest careers, especially on television, Ball began acting in the 1930s. Lucy was born in Jamestown, New York. Robin Williams ââ¬â is an American actor and comedian. Rising to fame with his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork and Mindy, and later stand-up comedy work, Williams has performed in many feature films since 1980. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the 1997 fi lm Good Will Hunting. He has also won two Emmy Awards, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and five Grammy Awards. Robin was born in Mississippi. Charles Darwain ââ¬â (12February 1809ââ¬â 19April 1882) was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection. Charles was born in Shrewsberry Shropshire into a wealthy and well connected family. Henry Ford ââ¬â (July 30, 1863 ââ¬â April 7, 1947) was an American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. As owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with ââ¬Å"Ford ismâ⬠: mass production of inexpensive goods coupled with high wages for workers. Henry Ford was born in Green field Township near Detroit. Isaac Newton ââ¬â (25 December 1642 ââ¬â 20 March 1727 [ 4 January 1643 ââ¬â 31 March 1727] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, who has been considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived. He was born in England. Pablo Picasso ââ¬â (25 October 1881ââ¬â 8 April 1973) was a Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. He is widely known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles dââ¬â¢Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), a portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. He was born in Malaga Spain. Giacomo Puccini -22 December 1858ââ¬â 29 November 1924) was an Italian composer whose operas, including La boheme, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, and Turandot, are among the most frequently performed in the standard repertoire. Some of his arias, such as ââ¬Å"O mio babbino caroâ⬠from Gianni Schicchi, ââ¬Å"Che gelida maninaâ⬠from Laboheme, and ââ¬Å"Nessun dormaâ⬠from Turandot, have become part of popular culture. He was born in Corte San Lorenz. Leonardo da Vinci ââ¬â (April 15, 1452ââ¬â May 2, 1519, Old Style) was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. He was born in Italy. Spike Lee ââ¬â (born March 20, 1957) is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company, 40 Acres A Mule Filmworks, has produced over 35 films since 1983. Leeââ¬â¢s movies have examined race relations, the role of media in contemporary life, urban crime and poverty, and other political issues. Lee has won numerous awards, including an Emmy Award. He has also received two Academy Award nominations. Spike Lee was born in Atlanta, GA. Richard Nelson Bolles ââ¬â is a former Episcopal clergyman, and the author of the best-selling job-hunting book, What Color is Your Parachute?. He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Alan Page ââ¬â Is a justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He graduated from Central Catholic High School in 1963, received his B. A. in political science from the University of Notre Dame in 1967, and received his J. D. from the University of Minnesota Law School in 1978. He was born in Canton, Ohio. Joe Paterno ââ¬â is a former college football coach who was the head coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions for 46years from 1966 through 2011. Paterno, nicknamed ââ¬Å"JoePa,â⬠holds the record for the most victories by an NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) football coach with 409 and is the only FBS coach to reach 400 victories. He was born in Brookyln, New York. Oscar Hammerstein ââ¬â (July 12, 1895 ââ¬â August 23, 1960) was an American librettist, theatrical producer, and theatre director of musicals for almost forty years. Hammerstein won eight Tony Awards and was twice awarded an Academy Award for ââ¬Å"Best Original Songâ⬠. Many of his songs are standard repertoire for singers and jazz musicians. He co-wrote 850 songs. Hammerstein was the lyricist and playwright in his partnerships; his collaborators wrote the music. Oscar was born in Stettin, Prussia. Jamie Escalante ââ¬â (December 31, 1930 ââ¬â March 30, 2010) was a Bolivian educator well-known for teaching students calculus from 1974 to 1991 at Garfield High School, East Los Angeles, California. Escalante was the subject of the 1988 film Stand and Deliver, in which he is portrayed by Edward James Olmos. Jamie was born in La Paz, Bolivia. Edwin Land ââ¬â (May 7, 1909ââ¬â March 1, 1991) was an American scientist and inventor, best known as the co-founder of the Polaroid Corporation. Among other things, he invented inexpensive filters for polarizing light, a practical system of in-camera instant photography, and his retinex theory of color vision. His Polaroid instant camera, which went on sale in late 1948, made it possible for a picture to be taken and developed in 60 seconds or less. Edwin was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Igor Stravinsky ââ¬â He is widely acknowledged as one of the most important and influential composers of 20th century music. He was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the century. He became a naturalized French citizen in 1934 and a naturalized US citizen in 1945. In addition to the rec ognition he received for his compositions, he achieved fame as a pianist and a conductor, often at the premieres of his works. Igor was born in Russia. Albert Einstein ââ¬â (14 March 1879ââ¬â 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. For this achievement, Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in human history. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics ââ¬Å"for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effectâ⬠. The latter was pivotal in establishing quantum theory within physics. Mr. Einstein was born in Germany. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ziggurat at Ur, c. 2100 B.C. essays
Ziggurat at Ur, c. 2100 B.C. essays Ziggurats are a form of ancient temple common to the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. A Ziggurat is a huge platform with a series of smaller platforms on top. They look like a stepped pyramid with stairs leading to the summit where there was a small temple. Each ziggurat was dedicated to the city's most important god or goddess. Ziggurats are like a mud-brick mountain fit for the gods. Around 2100 B.C. king Ur-Nammu built a ziggurat in honor of the God Sin. It was called Etemennigur, which meant a house whose foundation creates terror. It was built in Ur, south of Iraq and has been visible on the flat Mesopotamian plain for thousands of years. The ziggurat was built from small mud bricks that were locally produced. The mud bricks were made out of mud and reed; the reed was pressed into moulds that had been left to dry in the sun. Each brick measured around 25 x 16 x 7 centimeters and weighed around 4.5 kilograms. The core of the ziggurat at Ur was constructed using mud bricks which were then covered with baked bricks. The baked bricks, which measured about 30 x 30 x 7 cm and weighed up to 15 kg, they were made out of clay pressed into moulds. The bricks were left to dry and were then baked in a mud oven using dry twigs which were set on fire. This made the bricks water resistant. The first stage of the ziggurat was built using around 7,000,000 mud bricks And 720,000 baked bricks. On top of every sixth layer of bricks, reed matting was placed in a criss-cross manner. Sandy soil was also placed with the layer of reeds. Most of the bricks were stamped with the name and title of King Ur-Nammu. The base of the temple was either square or rectangular, and the most common size for it was either 50x50 or 40x50 meters. From the base, new steps were added, until the ziggurat was topped by a small sanctuary. All walls were sloping, and all horizontal lines ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Teaching Vocabulary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Teaching Vocabulary - Essay Example Teaching Vocabulary demands the use of various strategies as not all the students have the same capabilities to understand and comprehend the foreign as well as local languages. The issue of teaching vocabulary of a foreign language becomes more complicated due to the common lack of understanding of the foreign language of the children. (Council) It also further depends as to how the children are willing to learn and what methods can effectively be used to teach the children in most optimum way so that the capabilities of the children are maximized. However large part of this learning depends upon the curriculum and various ideologies of curriculum adopted by the schooling systems to impart knowledge into the students. This further trickles down to the goals and objectives set by the teacher in teaching the class. Therefore the issue of teaching vocabulary and various methods of teaching it largely depend upon the way a teacher intends to follow the overall plan of teaching the students. This essay will look into the various strategies for teaching the vocabulary to the students however, before doing so we will be discussing various curriculum methodologies which are being followed in order to set stage for our final analysis of the situation. Curriculum Ideologies Curriculum ideologies are defined as beliefs about what schools should teach, for what ends, and for what reasons. (Lu). All schools have at least one ideology - and usually more than one - that provides direction to their functions. An ideology can be tacit rather than explicit. Curriculum is the way through which these different ideologies can be implemented. The curriculum refers to the content and purpose of an educational program together with their organization. Curriculum is one of developing knowledge through which it can be organized into subjects and fields for educational purposes. Curriculum is also a way to ask questions as to how the knowledge and learning are linked to particular educational purposes. It is because of this reason that curriculum is considered as a best tool for learning. As many pedagogues have noted in their work, both radical pedagogy and critical theory have struggled Sisyphus-like against the forces of vocationalization, corporatization, the instit utionalized Romantic Humanist educational curriculum, and the commodification of knowledge that currently plague institutes of learning today. Apart from that there was also an attempt to institutionalize the critical theory. In this issue, theorists and teachers discuss the practical difficulties in "transforming thinking and revising habitual ways of reading texts and reading the world in their students." (Spurlin) Ideological positions pertaining to curriculum and to other aspects of education exist in a state of tension or conflict. They are competing on what schools should teach and for what ends in a political marketplace. Regardless of how powerful an ideological view may be in an individual's or even group's orientation to the world, it is seldom adequate to determine what the school curriculum shall be. There is a political process that inevitably must be employed to move from ideological commitment to practical
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments Essay
Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments in society are communicated both locally and globally - Essay Example This revolution has changed the peopleââ¬â¢s lifestyles and actions are manipulated by the information that they can access. The availability of information due to digital technology has brought along positive and negative impacts on the new society referred to as the network society. This paper features out the various ways in which digital media has impacted on the societyââ¬â¢s way of thinking and reasoning, and how this has changed their course of actions. In the Dark Age, an age where information was a scarce resource, the behavior of the people was so much influenced by their community traditions and social-cultural norms. Information was common only on the elite people and the society highly depended on such while working out their decisions. The elite community would misuse this privilege of having information to manipulate the reasoning of the people to make decisions that would favor their individual goals. This was common in the political arena where politicians woul d influence the voting process to suit their political ambitions during the campaign period. Deprived of the power of information the people were likely to arrive at immature conclusion and consequently uninformed decisions (Silverstone, 2005). The evolution of information technology has phased out this era and information can no longer be hoarded among the few elite in the society. Today, dense media networks are available and accessible to all humanity in the entire world, and its power cannot be ignored (Risi, 2013). The evolution of telecommunication devices and numerous service providers have brought about a whole new experience for the community with information from the global view available to the majority of the people. With television people can access live information, and with digital mobile phone communication takes place in real time across the boundaries. According to Silverstone (2005), the evolution of the digital technology has brought a new different morphology of the society, and the digital trends will have more influence on the society that it had ever been imagined. The proliferation of the internet has completely changed the world into a global village by closing in the distance that existed between different national boundaries. The emergence of video conferencing technology today people can communicate and hold conferences from their remote locations without any problem (Risi, 2013). The internet resource has become an answer for multinational corporations and international business can now be conducted at ease. The numerous social networks in the internet have formed new platforms where people can communicate, share and pass information, exchange ideas and influence the peoples thinking process, and hence their decision making practice (Silverstone, 2005). One of the areas where digital media have been used to influence the decision making process of individuals is in the political field. Today, political agendas can be propagated ac ross the world at a click of a mouse and it only takes few minutes before the entire world responds to an issue. This has had a great impact on the political campaigns since the factors of time, cost and distance have been put behind by the evolution of technology. On the other hand the people have vast information which they can use as a ground to make more informed and wise decisions. For instance, Cambodian politics general
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chemical Regulation Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Chemical Regulation Policies - Essay Example This is precisely the case with the Kyoto Protocol and the supposedly universal or global policy on the use of chemicals and their disposal, it gave rise to. Focusing on the mentioned, this research paper will undertake a comparative analysis of chemical policies in both the EU and the United States, highlighting, not just the extent to which divergent national interests and goals directed both negotiations and their outcomes but the extent to which the aforementioned ultimately lends to differing degrees of commitment to international agreements and, accordingly, different implementation methods. Growing concern over global warming and the impact of chemical waste on environmental conditions was one of the factors which incited the Kyoto Protocol and which the mentioned agreement supposedly dealt with. As Litfin (1997) notes, negotiations, although contentious, ultimately led to agreement between the variant parties, as an immediate outcome of the realization that, irrespective of national boundaries which effectively imposed national sovereignty upon different segments of the environment, the latter was, in essence, a global common. Accordingly, negotiations over chemical regulations, or any such threat to the environment, had to unfold from within the parameters of that realization; and needed to be founded on an awareness of the transnational nature of environmental issues and the associate imperatives of, not just trans-Atlantic environmental policy agreements but, on global environmental policy agreements (Litfin, 1997). The United States, as did the member states of the European Union, ultimately conceded to the Kyoto Protocols and declared that it would adhere to its chemical regulation policy recommendations. Prior to implementation, however, the United States, in direct comparison to the European union member states, withdrew its agreement through a refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocols and a subsequent declaration to the effect that it would not adhere to it (Bierman and Dingwerth, 2004). Even as it officially denied the phenomenon of global warming and the role of chemical emissions and waste played therein, the United States determined that the cost of adherence to chemical regulation policies, as defined and designed by the Kyoto Protocol, carried an economically unsustainable cost (Stoett, 2004; Bierman and Dingwerth, 2004. Given the marked, even remarkable difference between the stance adopted by the United States versus that adopted by the European Union, a comparative and critical analysi s of the forces which motivated and governed either position is important. The Nature of Policies In any given policy area there is a range of choices and instruments which policy makers use to design the policy is most suited to their country, their economy and the policy's target group- in this case, the chemical industry. As Elliott (2001) explains, this means that environmental policies which are designed and negotiated on the international level are not binding treaties, equivalent to international law. Instead, they are recommendations and objectives. Moreover, because
Friday, November 15, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation Extremely Controversial Topic Criminology Essay
Female Genital Mutilation Extremely Controversial Topic Criminology Essay An estimated 100 million to 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female gender mutilation/cutting (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). This figure is enormous and unsurprisingly, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an extremely controversial topic within the international sphere. Whilst some may argue that it is simply natural and a general norm within certain areas and cultures, others, largely from the Western world, believe it to be an infringement of a basic human right and so many concerns and condemnations of the practice emerge from an ethical and humanitarian perspective. Engaging with this debate involves studying the works of two academics, Martha Nussbaum and Yael Tamir, both providing counteracting views towards such a complicated debate like this one. This essay examines the practice of female circumcision, arguing that it is legitimate for states like the UK to attempt to bring them to an end, thus agreeing with the argument made by Nussbaum, namely that we should be ashamed of ourselves if we do not use whatever privilege and power has come our way to make it disappear forever (Nussbaum, 1996). My argument however is one of states only being able to legitimately intervene where FGM is being practiced against the will of females, yet if the practice is warranted and women, of adult age, consent to it, then it is not as permissible for states to intervene. Cultural opinions and determination are not valid enough reasons to allow such a horrific process to continue, specifically due to the medical implications of the circumcision procedure as a whole. The Capabilities Approach by Nussbaum (1999) is examined within this essay therefore, in terms of arguing that females should have the choice of whether or not to go through with the act of FGM as this procedure removes their opportunity to fulfil their full capabilities as both human beings and as women. Thus this goes hand-in-hand with the argument that states are legitimate in interve ning to allow capabilities to be satisfied. Finally, a series of policy recommendations are made with respect to the ways in which states, such as the UK, can intervene legitimately to prevent such practices occurring in future years, the key one being education. These measures will therefore protect the human rights and social welfare of females across the world, along with other institutions i.e. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). FGM is commonly performed on young girls as a rite of passage to womanhood (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.3). Since the early 1990s, FGM has gained global recognition as a serious health and human rights issue. Often this act is committed for social and cultural values as opposed to medical ones and so it is very difficult to begin a process of change as in order to do this, as the whole thinking of society and its actors would need be adjusted. Largely conducted within African countries, the practice, although having decreased in recent years, still poses a threat to the rights and capabilities of women in such areas. The fall in numbers of females undergoing such circumcision coincides with numerous global efforts to target excisors, medical professionals, and families who perpetuate the practice (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). Political will and implementation of such legislation however is the key hurdle to achieving this. FGM poses severe health risks, both physical and psychological in both the immediate/short-term and also the long-term. Some of these medical problems include: haemorrhaging, infections, septicaemia, shock from the severe pain and loss of blood, risks during childbirth, and in extreme cases, death (Slack, 1988, p.451). Other side effects include: infertility, cysts and abscesses, urinary incontinence and psychological and sexual problems (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). Intense trauma is often caused as many of the females who undergo this operation are of an incredibly young age, held down by force and circumcised with little, if any, anaesthesia (Slack, 1988, p.454).These medical consequences for women who undergo genital mutilation are unbearable to even think of, let alone experience, yet still the practice continues due to the myths which surround the issue i.e. females being sterile until they have been excised and so the procedure will supposedly increase fertility (Slack, 1988, p.447) and other myths that the clitoris is incredibly dangerous to women so if not excised will be harmful to the foetus, physically and spiritually (Slack, 1988, 460). Such myths are of course based on fictitious information but due to social pressures are not questioned but preserved, as has been the case for many years. The following map illustrates where FGM is at its highest and thus such areas are the first which need to be aided through state intervention to stop it. Statistics have shown though, that although the practice is still occurring, largely within third world countries, the number of women undergoing FGM has actually fallen and so this is indicative that some level of progress towards eradicating FGM is occurring. African countries, specifically Egypt, Mali, North Sudan and Ethiopia are (according to 2009 figures) experiencing the highest rates of female circumcision procedures. Source: Jaeger, Caflisch and Hohlfeld, 2009, p.28. In international relations, both high priority and low priority political issues need to be addressed, seeking global communication, negotiation and interaction. Globally, greater interconnectedness and increasing multicultural societies are leading to both domestic and international issues being discussed at a global level. This is indicative of states helping other states in terms of economics i.e. through increased trade and assistance during globalisation, and politics i.e. through the exchange of political ideologies and support. The argument here posits that if it is legitimate for states to intervene in economic and political issues, is it not also legitimate for states to intervene, when and where necessary, to improve social welfare and quality of life of the less fortunate? This does of course refer to intervention to stop FGM and resultantly improve the social welfare of women across the globe. Governments duty to take action against practices like female circumcision is e mbedded in international human rights treaties and thus states must comply with this (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.44). FGM is therefore a violation of a fundamental human right, and as the process cannot be reversed, the consequences are horrific. Bleeding profusely, reproduction problems, and even death are the terrible repercussions that those who undergo the process will endure. Hence these are serious medical implications and these are medical explanations for stopping the practice, as opposed to the usual moral explanations often spoken of within international ethics theory (Jaeger, Caflisch and Hohlfeld, 2009, p.31). Tamir (1996) however, makes the argument that before looking at other countries, we should look at our own countries as they are highly unlikely to be perfect. I disagree with this to some extent, particularly in relation to the issue of FGM. Countries where this occurs may simply believe this to be a custom or norm, something that is a normal and unquestionable pa rt of a females life. Without being educated and increasing awareness though, this disturbing process will continue. The people living in such small communities view FGM as normality, relying on myths on which to base the rest of their lives. Thus, it is the duty of those more educated i.e. in the West, to use education as the catalyst to bring about change and in turn stop this practice from occurring against the will of females. So why is it that FGM is seen as disgraceful whilst male circumcision is not seen with such unacceptability? A key reason for this relates to religion i.e. in Islamic teachings, male circumcision is natural and compulsory for all Muslim males. Male circumcision is not as harmful in any way when compared to FGM is and men are still able to fully function both physically and sexually whereas women arent. Male circumcision outside of Islam is often undertaken for hygiene reasons and so all of these reasons clearly display the picture that within most societies around the world, male circumcision is widely accepted as a type of norm. The term female circumcision seems to suggest an analogy with male circumcision yet in actual fact, the degree of cutting in female circumcision is anatomically much more extensive (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.4). In addition to this, FGM is seen as a way of sexually controlling females and although in current political debate this may seem to be rather liber al in appearance, references to cliteridectomy commonly reveal a patronizing attitude toward women, suggesting that they are primarily sexual beings (Tamir, 1996). Thus many advocates of cliteridectomy are concerned with corruption i.e. that the operation will restrict female sexual desires and in turn this will make them chaste wives and mothers (Tamir, 1996). The issue here though is that sexual enjoyment from women is not an openly discussed matter, but rather a taboo in many traditional communities, and so cliteridectomy is in itself symbolic of repressing female sexuality. Such non-Western cultural practices like FGM often symbolise resistance to the dominance of the West i.e. in Kenya, whereby cliteridectomy gained life as a political tool between British Colonials and African Nationals (Brown, 1991, p.262, cited in Jaggar, 2005, p.577/578). The counter-argument to this though lies within the hypothetical example given by Tamir (1996): mutilation enables women to be free of their reliance on men and thus they are able to function fully in order to follow social and political aspirations. The more common argument however is one of cliteridectomy and similar practices being corrupt in nature, restricting women and not allowing them to break free of the imposed barriers with respect to sexuality. All of these issues relate back to cultural and traditional values and so it often impossible to think beyond ones own culture. Nussbaum, a liberal feminist, provides an almost world-view which encourages people to think outside their own cultural box, raising the argument that just because something is done i.e. FGM, this does not mean that we cannot question it or interrogate it for the greater good. Her concerns therefore lie with issues of morality, freewill and choice. Nussbaum (1996) responded to Tamir (1996), focusing primarily on three points: (1) it is unfair to criticise another culture without being prepared to accept criticisms of ones own culture, (2) one cannot criticise another cultures acts without the certainty that their own culture is free of any evils, and (3) FGM is morally similar to dieting and body-shaping as within American culture. Nussbaum (1996) agrees with the first point, disagrees with the second and believes the third point to be egregiously wrong, con tending that the damage caused to women from extreme dieting and surgery can be undone in most cases, yet genital mutilation cannot be and so this is why it is of the greatest concern. The third critique Nussbaum (1996) makes is of greatest relevance as FGM is often compared cosmetic surgery and enhancements and so on by many theorists. It is often seen as the opposing argument, but as stated in the article, the eight differences between FGM versus dieting and surgery explain why Vogue is not illegal, whereas FGM is illegal in many of the countries where it occurs (Nussbaum, 1996). Nussbaum (1999) later built on Amartya Sens theory of Capabilities and this is of great relevance when examining the controversial topic of FGM. She understands capabilities to characterise each human life and is interested in ensuring that all persons have these capabilities to perform central functions, an explicitly Universalist standpoint. Her argument affirms that within the political arena, human beings exhibit moral capabilities which can in future be developed, yet such capabilities are deprived of the nourishment that would transform them into high-level capabilities (Nussbaum, 1999, p.236). Hence without these capabilities Nussbaum (1999) argues human beings are useless. With regards to FGM, the Capabilities Approach largely frowns upon the deprivation of individuals to have the opportunity to choose to be sexually active or indeed celibate (Nussbaum, 1999, p.238). Capabilities require constant development to be able to function fully. With respect to Nussbaums work, ten ce ntral human function capabilities are identified (Nussbaum, 1999, p.235). FGM breaks two of these capabilities, namely bodily health and bodily integrity (Nussbaum, 1999, p.235). Hence according to these, states are legitimate in intervening and influencing other states where practices like female circumcision are taking away the capabilities of their citizens. Resultantly, the Capabilities Approach is demonstrative of an accurate framework to use where the matter of states, like the UK, legitimising actions, such as FGM, is concerned. This Capabilities Approach was later put into action by the United Nations Human Development Reports, arguing that GDP per capita was not a true reflection of this and instead, Sen argued that how people live their lives and other similar economic indicators, need to be examined. Tamir (1996) opposes such points, arguing that there is much to criticise about ones own culture before one is able to criticise another. So common Western practices such as cosmetic surgery, in her argument, would be open to the same criticisms from non-Western countries as FGM is for people within the West. In her critique, states are not legitimate in intervening in other countries before they have addressed all issues of a similar nature within their own home country. With respect to this argument though, the fact of the matter remains that those individuals who undergo surgery and other cosmetic enhancements are usually doing so out of their own personal choice and so this raises other concerns as to why people feel the need to do this, as opposed to intervening to stop it. Other theorists are generally more reluctant for intervention to occur i.e. Walzer, who would argue that intervention of any kind would only be necessary if a clear case of genocide was being demonstrated whe re thousands of victims were losing their lives. In my critique of this though, the practice of FGM, although maybe not as severe as genocide, is indicative of female oppression and so causes a predictable number of deaths which could have been prevented had the right systems been put into place through state intervention. The factor specific to FGM which makes it appropriate for outsiders to intervene and attempt to halt it is that of women not being given a choice of whether or not to undergo the procedure. Women should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to be circumcised, with no pressure from external forces, yet before such a decision they must be made aware of the implications in terms of health and future capabilities. This is what Nussbaum (1999) is referring to in her Capabilities argument as outlined previously. As prosperous developing countries, it is the obligation and duty of states like the UK to intervene to stop FGM when it occurs against the will of women, at least until sufficient change is seen and this change fosters sustainability. The following section therefore examines the ways of doing this. Since the early 1990s, FGM has been recognised as a global human rights issue and so numerous efforts have been made to end it or to at least reduce the number of cases of it occurring. Initiatives such as the annual International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation on February 6th, introduced by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2007, demonstrates this, calling for greater government commitment to programmes preventing the practice (Obaid, 2007). Although female circumcision is a heavily criticised practice in many developed countries, it is not feasible to simply condemn the practice as this suggests that Western culture is paramount. Understandings of cultural relativism need to transpire but more importantly, a process of change needs to be instigated. Nussbaum (1996) is correct in critiquing Tamir for this (suggesting cultural relativism is a valid argument), explaining how it is difficult to morally decide whether or not intervention should be committed in terms o f local or distant acts, and although individuals will legitimately prioritise about these decisions, this does not mean that we should not intervene. Poor education and low levels of income among women in African countries, coupled with inadequate governmental support (Wakabi, 2007, p.1069) are the key issues regarding the eradication of FGM and only when such problem areas are addressed, can progress begin to occur. Rahman and Toubia (2000, pp.58-68) identify three types of measure to be implemented in order to tackle the FGM issue: legal, regulatory and policy measures. It is important to note from the very beginning though that no single measure will be feasible if states are to intervene, but rather a series of combined approaches and changes must be adopted. Legal measures involve ratifying human rights arrangements to ensure that rights within such treaties are upheld and also carefully considering the imposition of criminal sanctions to dissuade people from committing the circumcision operation (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, pp.59-61). With regards to regulatory measures, suggestions have been made of disciplining those medical professionals who engage in the practice and removing their licences if they persistently offend (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.68). Finally, but most importantly, policy measure areas are discussed, these being: education, the media, empowering women and increasing access to reproductive welfare services (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, pp.68-71). The primary way of states intervening legitimately, in my argument, is through the process of education. By educating those within the countries where the practice of FGM takes place, the root cause of the problem can be targeted. This has previously been done through NGOs and alike, yet states too can intervene to promote adequate social welfare for the women within countries where FGM is a severe issue. Older generations need to be approached and made to understand the deficiencies associated with the practice and thus ultimately this will feed through to younger generations. Simultaneously though, younger generations too need to be targeted as t hey are the future and by educating them, forthcoming generations of females will be protected against such a painful practice. Governments need to begin devoting resources to providing FGM practicing countries and communities with information about the negative effects of the procedure and about human rights as important. Such information however must emphasize the potential psychological and physical impact[as well as] examine the history and purpose (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.68). If we now examine the media, the argument made is one of facilitating public dialogue and discourse about FGM along with the promotion of women to be free from FGM by various media outlets (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.69). This is a very good suggestion, yet in my critique, isnt feasible due to the fact that media within FGM practicing countries is relatively low, if at all existent. Thus this policy recommendation is good in theory yet in practice may not be as simple as first assumed. Empowering women is the third suggestion, self-explanatory in nature yet the ways of doing this include reforming policies which prevent women from improving their status i.e. social, economic etc, ensuring women can work alongside men and that issues of equal pay are addressed (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.70). Again this poses potential difficulties in that in certain rural communities, women are not seen as employable and do not have the opportunity to go out to work and more importantly have not been educated enough to undertake even the most low-skilled job positions. Hence such a recommendation is reliant on the previous policy suggestion of education, as only when communities are educated will the women within them be able to start working legitimately. The final proposal is that relating to reproductive services for females within the communities where female circumcision is occurring. These services are critical in providing women with accurate information about FGM as a whole in terms of th eir reproductive health (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.71). This is a great service as it is well-known that women who have been circumcised require regular medical attention and so this would address this issue and make it a more widely recognised initiative. Hence the ideal outcome of this is that women, who understand the severity of the practice for their health, will be less likely to make their daughters go through with it (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.71). This is ideal and would be the best possible solution but, Rahman and Toubir (2000) fail to consider the impact of community, religious, cultural, family and social pressures on women who do not undergo the FGM operation. Thus reproductive services although being an invaluable resource, are not as simple and easy in terms of changing social attitudes immediately. In the long-run however, reproductive services do have the potential scope to be a success. Other suggestions for intervention include: withholding aid to those countries where FGM is continuing to happen along with working with local groups to support advocacy efforts promoting negotiated, verbal intervention as opposed to plain physical intervention. The critique of this though relates to speaking but taking no action and some theorists would argue that an issue like FGM can only be tackled by head-on intervention that doesnt pussyfoot around the topic but rather stops the practice for the horror it causes, and rightly so. It can be argued by many that these policy recommendations are too simplistic and idealistic yet the fact of the matter remains that before any of these can be implemented, government structures need to be changed. In places like Somalia, several humanitarian organisations have launched campaigns to stop the spread of FGM, yet the widespread insecurity and absence of a central administration have only handed minimal success to their efforts (Wakabi, 2007, p.1070). A case study of Mali however informs us of the positive impact of NGO based intervention, working alongside local communities and governments. The initiative here used a mobile cinema travelling from village to village to encourage the open discussion of womens health issues and once trust had been established, discussed FGM more openly in an attempt to change social attitudes towards it (Good, 2010). This programme has increased awareness about FGM amongst the Malian community, and is beginning to get positive results in M ali, where women are deciding against their daughters being circumcised (Good, 2010). Kenya too has undertaken programmes, the key one being Ntanira Na Mugambo which translates to Circumcision by Words (BBC News, 1998). This week long programme secluded women from males, informing them about FGM in a subtle manner i.e. referring to anatomy, reproduction, self-esteem building, dealing with peer pressure and respecting adults (BBC News, 1998). Thus this type of programme didnt abhor FGM outright but rather tackled the issues surrounding it, offering an alternative view yet allowing the women to make up their own minds. Another project was employed in Uganda where an Outreach Plan was created, targeting leaders of rural communities who commit the practice of FGM. Such a plan provided local community leaders with economic incentives to stop the process i.e. that those women who undergo FGM find it incredibly difficult to work and thus their contribution to the workforce is trivial (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.78). Such intuition prevents women from being forced to be circumcised whilst also positively impacting upon productivity and as a result increasing economic efficiency. Outside pressure does still exist though and experts on FGM believe it is vital to actively engage with communities to ban the practice and penalise those who still conduct it. Thus as said before, education, although the most important element of this process of instigating change, cannot simply be the only solution, but rather must be combined with a series of other strategies. To conclude, FGM is a practice heavily debated about within international relations due to the ethical concerns it raises and ultimately infringes. Cultural relativist positions would argue that is necessary to understand the behaving of different groups due to cultural backgrounds, yet the stance that we should simply accept differences is highly critiques where FGM is concerned. In my critique, the practice is one worthy of severe condemnation, yet through little fault of the people continuing it but rather the myths and general history surrounding it. Hence, ultimately it is these myths and historical factors that need to be eradicated in order to promote the safety of women across the globe, particularly in less-developed countries. Thus this essay has agreed with and supported the argument put forward by Nussbaum that it is legitimate for states like the US and UK to intervene to bring the practice of FGM to an end yet this is relative to the situation. My core argument however remains that if women are being forced to undergo genital mutilation, then it is acceptable for states to intervene through the measures discussed previously. However, if the procedure if consented to and women are voluntarily wishing to go through with it out of their own freewill, then states are not legitimate in intervening. Intervention thus is dependent on the factor of choice towards FGM, yet women and men alike should be educated about the medical and psychological consequences of it. Additionally, such education should enlighten communities about the falsities of the myths they cling on to and how they are in actual fact untrue. The Capabilities Approach is fundamental to this process of education as it informs the public of how FGM can harm and worsen the capabilities of women. Education however will not work alone and must be accompanied by a series of other policy measures, namely legislation, regulatory policies and reproductive services. It is therefore legitimate for states like the UK to intervene to halt practices like FGM, according to the circumstances outlined in this essay and through the policy recommendations suggested.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Emily Dickinson :: Author Biography Emily Dickinson Essays
Emily Dickinson Breaking news revealing the truth about Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s life has recently been uncovered. For the past hundred-plus years literary historians believed Dickinson to be a plain and quiet type of person who did not communicate with the public for most of her life. Her romanticism poetry drew attention from fellow literary legends. After corresponding with the well-known Thomas Wentworth Higginson, who showed interest in her work but advised her not to publish it, she became defiant to publish any of her work. Dickinson grew up in a very strict Puritan family. However, her poetry did not reflect her Puritan upbringing at all. As the late eighteen sixties came about, Dickinson became very attached to her family home and refused to leave it. She cut off most of her relationships with her friends. The only way she could express her feelings was through her writing. She eventually died in 1886 of a kidney condition called Brightââ¬â¢s disease. Against Dickinsonââ¬â¢s request, her sister Lavinia turned over the rest of her work to be published. The biography you have just read is a summary of the life of Emily Dickinson we have all taken to accept. The following story is the truth revealed. The shocking discoveries will leave you in amazement. One hundred-fifteen years later, who would have thought historians could ever crack a scandal like this one? Emily Dickinson grew up as a New England Puritan. The values she was taught were all but revealed in the poetry she wrote. How could such strict Puritan parents raise a child to express such anti-Puritan values in her writing as Emily Dickinson did? That question has recently become invalid now that scientists have discovered that Emily Dickinson indeed had a twin sister to whom the credit for all of the poetry is now given. How and why did such a disgrace take place, you ask? It was a complicated situation-one which would probably never happen today! Sexuality and enjoyment were things thought of as satanic to Puritans. When Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s parents gave birth to twins in Amherst, MA, society saw them as grotesque and the parents themselves were humiliated. To Puritans, having twins meant the couple enjoyed sexuality twice as much as others. They would have been shunned and looked down on if they kept both of the babies. With the idea of murdering one of the babies out of the question, one of the twins was given to a caretaker of the Dickinsonââ¬â¢s.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
China Authoritarian State
Alyssa Morgan Intro to Comparative Politics Ritu Dhungana September 8, 2012 China: Authoritarian Regime According the text, Hague and Harrop, Authoritarian rule is any form of non-democratic rule. Although authoritarian, there is broad aspect of the term. Many countries can be considered authoritarian or non-democratic through one party rule, military junta, and presidential dictatorship (Hague and Harrop, ââ¬Å"Authoritarian Ruleâ⬠). One party, the Communist party, rules China.There are three reasons as to why China is considered to be governed by an authoritarian regime: The Communist Party seeks to maintain their own control; corruption, and the absence of constitutional restraint and clear legal framework (Hague and Harrop, ââ¬Å"Authoritarian Ruleâ⬠). Liberal democracy serves as a way to steer from instability though checks and balances. However communism, a form of authoritarian rule, is defined as a system of social organization where all property is controlled by the overall community in which each person contributes and receives in accordance to their ability and need (Oxford Dictionaries, ââ¬Å"Communismâ⬠).Chinaââ¬â¢s communist party maintains control over the wealth and prosperity formed throughout the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China, making it an authoritarian state. However, China is growing economically and vibrantly, climbing the ladder in becoming one of the worldââ¬â¢s superpowers. China as a whole has prospered from this authoritarian regime and over three hundred million Chinese have sought benefit from this but over one billion have had little or no advantage (Project Muse, ââ¬Å"A Rising, Emboldened Chinaâ⬠). There are always pros and cons to any form of government.As part of the their way of maintaining control, the government limits local elections and the press and any and all political mentions is strictly controlled. Any criticism about the government, online or in newspapers is dealt with harshly and s wiftly (The Democracy Journal, ââ¬Å"China and East Asian Democracyâ⬠). The restriction of open ideas on the Internet and in the newspapers makes the task of voting extremely difficult for there are no opposing arguments in the media or elsewhere to derive an opinion from. (The Democracy Journal, ââ¬Å"China and East Asian Democracyâ⬠).The main question remains that, although this country is economically prosperous, can the Communist party of the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China maintain this type of authoritarian regime without inevitable civil unrest and perhaps a revolution. The lack of constitutional restraint and unclear legal framework is apparent while reading about The Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China. It is hard to criticize the Chinese government and their form of authoritarian regime for they are fast becoming a leading nation in this world.The Chinese Communist Party, (CCP) however restraining, has evolved to become very complex and adaptable (Journal of De mocracy, ââ¬Å"China and East Asian Democracyâ⬠). Many authoritarian regimes require succession within the family, (monarchy) but China has term limits and invests its power in one single party, thus making China a modern authoritarian regime. Corruption will inevitably be found within any communist country. Many who hold high positions in the government of China are due to their prestigious or wealthy family backgrounds.Many officials apart of the CCP enjoy various perks and wealth in their jobs. It is assumed that early China had less corruption due to fewer resources and ones fight to rise to power (Journal of Democracy, ââ¬Å"China and East Asian Democracyâ⬠). Corruption is most common in the lower administrative branches of government in China. Lower level officials are cooed to compete with one other to achieve higher personal status as well as promotion within the government (Journal of Democracy, ââ¬Å"China and East Asian Democracyâ⬠).The simple characteri stics of an unclear legal framework or constitutional restraint, corruption, and preservation of power makes China an authoritarian government no matter how adaptive, prosperous, or beneficial. China has undoubtedly grown in terms of the economy and is making strides to becoming one the worldââ¬â¢s superpowers, making an analysis of the government in China difficult. There are proââ¬â¢s and cons when dealing with the highly adaptive and complex governmental regime in this country, but above all the Peoples Republic of China is Communist, therefore supporting the main topic that China stands under an authoritarian regime.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cluster Sample in Sociology Research
Cluster Sample in Sociology Research Cluster sampling may be used when it is either impossible or impractical to compile an exhaustive list of the elements that make up the target population. Usually, however, the population elements are already grouped into subpopulations and lists of those subpopulations already exist or can be created. For example, letââ¬â¢s say the target population in a study was church members in the United States. There is no list of all church members in the country. The researcher could, however, create a list of churches in the United States, choose a sample of churches, and then obtain lists of members from those churches. To conduct a cluster sample, the researcher first selects groups or clusters and then from each cluster, selects the individual subjects either by simple random sampling or systematic random sampling. Or, if the cluster is small enough, the researcher may choose to include the entire cluster in the final sample rather than a subset of it. One-Stage Cluster Sample When a researcher includes all of the subjects from the chosen clusters into the final sample, this is called a one-stage cluster sample. For example, if a researcher is studying the attitudes of Catholic Church members surrounding the recent exposure of sex scandals in the Catholic Church, he or she might first sample a list of Catholic churches across the country. Letââ¬â¢s say that the researcher selected 50 Catholic Churches across the United States. He or she would then survey all church members from those 50 churches. This would be a one-stage cluster sample. Two-Stage Cluster Sample A two-stage cluster sample is obtained when the researcher only selects a number of subjects from each cluster ââ¬â either through simple random sampling or systematic random sampling. Using the same example as above in which the researcher selected 50 Catholic Churches across the United States, he or she would not include all members of those 50 churches in the final sample. Instead, the researcher would use simple or systematic random sampling to select church members from each cluster. This is called two-stage cluster sampling. The first stage is to sample the clusters and the second stage is to sample the respondents from each cluster. Advantages of Cluster Sampling One advantage of cluster sampling is that it is cheap, quick, and easy. Instead of sampling the entire country when using simple random sampling, the research can instead allocate resources to the few randomly selected clusters when using cluster sampling. The second advantage to cluster sampling is that the researcher can have a larger sample size than if he or she was using simple random sampling. Because the researcher will only have to take the sample from a number of clusters, he or she can select more subjects since they are more accessible. Disadvantages of Cluster Sampling One main disadvantage of cluster sampling is that is the least representative of the population out of all the types of probability samples. It is common for individuals within a cluster to have similar characteristics, so when a researcher uses cluster sampling, there is a chance that he or she could have an overrepresented or underrepresented cluster in terms of certain characteristics. This can skew the results of the study. A second disadvantage of cluster sampling is that it can have a high sampling error. This is caused by the limited clusters included in the sample, which leaves a significant proportion of the population unsampled. Example Letââ¬â¢s say that a researcher is studying the academic performance of high school students in the United States and wanted to choose a cluster sample based on geography. First, the researcher would divide the entire population of the United States into clusters, or states. Then, the researcher would select either a simple random sample or a systematic random sample of those clusters/states. Letââ¬â¢s say he or she chose a random sample of 15 states and he or she wanted a final sample of 5,000 students. The researcher would then select those 5,000 high school students from those 15 states either through simple or systematic random sampling. This would be an example of a two-stage cluster sample. Sources and Further Reading Babbie, E. (2001). The Practice of Social Research: 9th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson.Castillo, J.J. (2009). Cluster Sampling. Retrieved March 2012 from
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Mans search for meaning essays
Man's search for meaning essays Survival and fully living Viktor Frankls concept regarding survival and fully living was developed through his observations and experiences in the concentration camps. He used his psychiatric training to discern the meanings of observations and to help himself become a better person. He uses analysis to develop his own concepts and describes them in steps throughout the book. When the prisoners first arrived at the camp most of them thought they would be spared at the last moment. The prisoners believed they had a chance of surviving, but this belief was eventually eliminated and it was at this time when the prisoners began to learn how to survive by using their internal strength. A sense of humor had emerged among the prisoners. This humor helped to get through some difficult situations they faced. Viktor also observed how much a person could really endure and still live. Even though the prisoners could not clean their teeth and were deprived of warmth and vitamins, they still were able to survive. The sores and abrasions on their hands did not suppurate despite the dirt that gathered on them from the hard labor. The challenge of staying alive under these wretched conditions was to have and maintain strong internal strength. During the time he spent in the camps, Viktor learned what was needed to survive and how to keep his internal strength despite h is weakening external strength. During the second stage of Viktors psychological reaction, prisoners lost their sense of feeling and emotion toward events that would be emotional to people outside the camps. This was a result of the violent environment, which consisted of beating of prisoners and the death of many others. The prisoners could no longer feel any disgust or horror since these emotions where very common. From Viktors professional point of view, this observation surprised him and also gave him a different point of view of the whole situation. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Community organization as public ministry Essay
Community organization as public ministry - Essay Example A lot of social injustices have been known to occur within the community.à This is mainly caused by those people who refuse to work within the fringes of the law and general principles that uphold the societal values.à For the community to be together, people must recognize that societal values should be encouraged and people brought under proximate grounds to heed these values. Communities that refuse to work together often fail to recognize the advantages these values. Like any other bodies formed to address matters, community organization is known to have both the advantageous and disadvantageous values.à The benefits of community organization include empowering the society by involving the people in a certain area to come together. This gives them the courage to address other injustice. When people come together in the society they have more strength to address a certain issue compared to people who do it individually. Community organization acts as a voice for the voice less in the society. Organizations have been known to develop to benefit the organization members, and other members of the society.à An organization may be developed to address the rights of the handicapped people. With this, they can fight for certain issues to be addressed these handicapped people are still considered as members of the society.Besides the above mentioned advantages, a person who joins a community organization can get the some benefits. One can widen his social and professional networks by meeting new people. Oneââ¬â¢s skills are set to grow by sharing their ability and the knowledge they have with others. When one joins a group, the main idea is to work to help other people. The disadvantages that may crop up in community organization are few but can be a major challenge in societal development. Community organizations have been known to bring up major conflict of interests. This can be seen in matters where some are for, while others are against a certain issue. A situation whereby people are for the legalization of abortion, and others are not, is a common example of this. Both of the organizations have good reasons but to bring them in level grounded reasoning is difficult. This often divides the society and weakens oneness. For unity to be achieved despite the presence of conflicting organizations, bodies and strategies that address their issues as the neutral party and foster understanding among them need to be adapted. It is only a society that supports one another that there could be mutual understanding and growth.7 Tools to harness social justice in churches Attaining social justice in a church can prove difficult if proper steps are not taken. There are tools
Friday, November 1, 2019
Blogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Blogs - Essay Example When barcodes were not enough, QR codes emerge. One of the latest technological applications that apparently revolutionizes consumer shopping, from a host of other applications, is through quick response (QR) code. The Tesco QR Code Subway Store, for instance, applied this technology by creating virtual stores that presented images of grocery items in places frequently visited by consumers, like subway areas and where customers shop using their smart phones to shop (YouTube 2011). Its origin was actually traced 18 years ago from a Japanese company, Denso Wave, as a means of ââ¬Å"tracking parts by vehicle manufacturersâ⬠(Mobile-Barcodes: Overview, n.d., par. 1). With the proliferation of smart phones, the QR code applications were seen to be evidently applicable in other service areas including business cards, billboards, direct mail, repair orders, and even in bus stop stations where convenience stores, manufacturers, and service organizations could post virtual shops and encourage shoppers to select their grocery items, products and services to be delivered and consumed in comforts of their homes (Think Tank Tuesday 2011). What could be the next faster and extensively applicable paced codes than QR? Consumers just have to wait and see. Smart phones are the latest global technological craze where applications continue to evolve. Not only do smart phones serve distinct and varied personal needs of discerning consumers; but more so, smart phones have capabilities that actually help organizations in their marketing strategies. As people become immersed with the coming holiday season, for instance, smart phones could just be the life saver. In convenience stores and shopping centers which could just be a conundrum of chaotic proportions, locating for much sought of products amidst voluminous array of inventories could be addressed with radio frequency identification (RFID). This
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Fog of War Documentary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Fog of War Documentary - Research Paper Example As the discussion stressesà McNamara served as the president of World Bank between 1968 and 1981.The Public policy system analysis which later developed into the recent discipline referred to as policy analysis was instituted by McNamara. After the Second World War, he contributed into reestablishment of the Ford Motor Company while serving as its president before becoming Defense Secretary. He became the companyââ¬â¢s director in 1957 and its president in 1960.He was then requested by President John F. Kennedy to abandon his position in the company and serve as the Defense Secretary of the United States. He also served as a member of the board of directors in various corporations as well as non-profit making organizations. He has written documents on several issues and topics like world hunger, nuclear arms, relationships between east and west, the environment, population and development.This essay declares thatà the film provides an analysis of McNamaraââ¬â¢s controversia l issues in the course of Vietnam War, his contributions during World War II, his upbringing and educational background at Berkeley and Harvard and finally, his service as the president of World Bank for a period of thirteen years. The subtitle of the film is ââ¬Å"Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamaraâ⬠.à At the age of 85, Morris interviewed McNamara; the film was produced based upon that interview. In addition, the film contains television and new reports of 1960ââ¬â¢s and cabinet photos during the reign of President Kennedy.... ysis of McNamaraââ¬â¢s controversial issues in the course of Vietnam War, his contributions during World War II, his upbringing and educational background at Berkeley and Harvard and finally, his service as the president of World Bank for a period of thirteen years. The subtitle of the film is ââ¬Å"Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamaraâ⬠. During his study, he did statistical analysis with the aim of improving bombing strategies during World War II. At the age of 85, Morris interviewed McNamara; the film was produced based upon that interview. In addition, the film contains television and new reports of 1960ââ¬â¢s and cabinet photos during the reign of President Kennedy. Information was recorded during Vietnam War, Cuban Missile Crisis, bombings of World War II, and air attacks against Vietnam to help in understanding what was going on during those periods. Some of the major contributions of McNamara are seen in the Vietnam War which caused deaths of over fif ty eight thousand Americans and 3.4 million Vietnam Citizens. Vietnam War was a conflict between the Northern part of the country under the support of communist countries against the southern part that was supported by the United States and other countries that were against the communist policy. The reasons for the United Statesââ¬â¢ engaging in the war was to prevent communism from further spreading while Vietnam government wanted to unify the country under a communist government (Morris 38). During World War II, McNamara acted as the commander under General Arch-hawk. He was among the group that came up with the decisions and bombed 67 cities in Japan during which large numbers of civilians were killed. For instance, in the city of Tokyo alone, more than one hundred thousand civilians died after the bombing
Monday, October 28, 2019
Doping in Sport Essay Example for Free
Doping in Sport Essay English Group discussion on Doping in sport. 22nd As we may all know doping can and has been a problem in some specific sports, cycling being the main scapegoat of course because of the Lance Armstrong scandal. However does that mean doping Is not involved with any other sports. Absolutely not, what many people believe is that cycling is a dirty sport because so many drugs and supplements are involved, however they do not realise some of the sports they love are heavily armed with many different cases. Cycling In fact Is now the cleanest sport n the industry because they dont let anything slip past. After seeing a documentary on Mark Cavendishs wins in the tour de France and the first Brit to become world champion In ages, he actually said that the doping chaperones wouldnt leave him alone and had to pester him until he took his drug test. What I am trying to get at is that people are being extremely close minded in terms of believing that their own favourite sport is clean. What do you think about banning athletes? Banning athletes is a very hot topic in the media whether or not it should happen, in y opinion the athletes that take and have taken these substances. For example Alberto Contador the Spanish cyclists who allegedly won the tour de France two years in a row, did this whilst taking a substance known as EPO. When he later got found out he was banned but not for life to the present day he still competes in the tour de France with no hassle, As well as still being able to compete he Is known as the two time tour winner still even though he doped. I dont think this is very fair in reality as why should he still be allowed that title when he cheated for it.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Complementarity of Scientific and Religious Modes of Understanding
Scientific and religious approaches to comprehending reality are deeply complementary. I do not use the word ââ¬Ëdeeplyââ¬â¢ for emphasis alone: the qualities that science and religion hold in common are anything but obvious. Viewed on the surface, science and religion often appear to be at odds. Details and dogmas frequently conflict, and misperceptions originating on either side can lead to rejection of the unfamiliar system. At the lofty level of philosophical abstraction, a satisfying reconciliation of science and religion will likely always remain elusive. At the level of personal experience, however, incorporating scientific and religious modes of understanding is not only possible, it is profoundly enriching. The impulses, methods, and themes that define both science and religion are strikingly similar. Curiosity and an insatiable desire to make sense of the world are qualities that are innate to human life; unsurprisingly, these impulses are the driving force behind bot h scientific and religious explorations. The means that facilitate such explorations are fundamentally alike as well: both science and religion are system-driven, with an emphasis on unflagging action in the pursuit of greater understanding. Finally, both scientific and religious modes of understanding inexorably return to a common set of recurrent themes, emphasizing the creativity, dynamism, and unity of the world we perceive. Curiosity is instinctive in humans. We are born knowing nothing but impatient to know all: where did we come from? Why are we here? How are we to live? Such questions represent more than a simple probing for objective "facts": they are attempts to derive meaning and order from the observed world. Responses to these questions often take t... ...we live in. à Isaiah 40: 3-8 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough places smooth; The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken." The voice said, "Cry out!" And he said, "What shall I cry?" "All flesh is grass, And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it, Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower faces, But the word of our God stands forever."
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Coke Burn India
Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Current Market Scenario Current Market Scenario Industry Highlights Coke Burn Industry Highlights Coke Burn Distribution Red Bull faces legal battle with their largest distributor ââ¬â RNG group after snapping decade old ties. RNG used to control 90% of Red Bullââ¬â¢s distribution with close to 19,000 outlets Selective distribution only in 3 metros (Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore) Distribution Red Bull faces legal battle with their largest distributor ââ¬â RNG group after snapping decade old ties.RNG used to control 90% of Red Bullââ¬â¢s distribution with close to 19,000 outlets Selective distribution only in 3 metros (Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore) Manufacturing Key market players import their product from South East Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand etc. First and only multinational company to receive local manufacturing nod for energy drinks Manufacturing Key market players import their product from South East Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand etc. First and only multinational company to receive local manufacturing nod for energy drinks Market ShareDominated by Red Bull with 71. 3% market share Depleting market share currently stands at 2. 6% of the energy drinks market Market Share Dominated by Red Bull with 71. 3% market share Depleting market share currently stands at 2. 6% of the energy drinks market Market Size Rs. 1894 million (off trade) with a CAGR of 55. 7% Rs. 49 million (off trade) Market Size Rs. 1894 million (off trade) with a CAGR of 55. 7% Rs. 49 million (off trade) To increase off trade sales from Rs. 49 million currently to Rs. 299 million in a year Mission To increase the overall market share from the current 2. % to 10% in a year To increase brand awareness, consumer loyalty and satisfaction Strengthening Burnââ¬â¢s social media and overall online visibility To increase off trade sales from Rs. 49 million currently to Rs. 2 99 million in a year Mission To increase the overall market share from the current 2. 6% to 10% in a year To increase brand awareness, consumer loyalty and satisfaction Strengthening Burnââ¬â¢s social media and overall online visibility Communication Objectives Awareness Create brand awareness and visibility by crafting distinct brand imagery ConsiderationEducate consumers and bring Burn in their consideration set on par with Red Bull Conversation Induce more effective trials by engaging consumers through on ground activation Loyalty Implement loyalty and rewards programs ensuring consumer retention Communication Objectives Awareness Create brand awareness and visibility by crafting distinct brand imagery Consideration Educate consumers and bring Burn in their consideration set on par with Red Bull Conversation Induce more effective trials by engaging consumers through on ground activation Loyalty Implement loyalty and rewards programs ensuring consumer retentionCompetitor Analys is Competitor Analysis Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Product Price Place Promotion Red Bull original Rs. 95 for 250ml Pack of 4 for Rs. 359 Gyms, Cafeââ¬â¢s, Barista, Costa Coffee, Bars and Retail Outlets * Formula 1 racing * Soap Box Race * Student brand ambassador * Television Ads * Rejuve * Nicofix * Minus Rs. 95 for 250ml CCDs, bars, retail outlets. * Shah Rukh Khan brand ambassador * Print Advertising * Sunburn music festival * Premium * Wildberry * Pomegranate * Red grapes * * Regular * Sugar free Cola Rs. 85/90 for 250ml Rs. 50 for 180ml Rs. 95 for 250ml Gyms, retail outlets Pubs, discos, night clubs * Shilpa Shetty brand ambassador * Energy Drink partner of CSK * College events * Certain cultural and music festivals Proposition Get High on Energy Gives you Wings Free your Energy Get high every time you drink Product Price Place Promotion Red Bull original Rs. 95 for 250ml Pack of 4 for Rs. 359 Gyms, Cafeâ⬠â¢s, Barista, Costa Coffee, Bars and Retail Outlets * Formula 1 racing * Soap Box Race * Student brand ambassador * Television Ads * Rejuve * Nicofix * Minus Rs. 5 for 250ml CCDs, bars, retail outlets. * Shah Rukh Khan brand ambassador * Print Advertising * Sunburn music festival * Premium * Wildberry * Pomegranate * Red grapes * * Regular * Sugar free * Cola Rs. 85/90 for 250ml Rs. 50 for 180ml Rs. 95 for 250ml Gyms, retail outlets Pubs, discos, night clubs * Shilpa Shetty brand ambassador * Energy Drink partner of CSK * College events * Certain cultural and music festivals Proposition Get High on Energy Gives you Wings Free your Energy Get high every time you drink Consumer needs and GAP analysis Consumer needs and GAP analysisThrough our research we inferred that a lack of awareness and availability were the two key deterrents for purchase of Burn Through our research we inferred that a lack of awareness and availability were the two key deterrents for purchase of Burn Values Co nsequences Attributes Price and Packaging Exclusivity Status and Self esteem Study more + better grades Rewards and Promotions High Performance Work longer, harder + more concentration Soft Drink, No alcohol Substitute for alcohol Belongingness Socializing drink at parties Caffeine, Taurine Energy + Stay awake Values Consequences Attributes Price and PackagingExclusivity Status and Self esteem Study more + better grades Rewards and Promotions High Performance Work longer, harder + more concentration Soft Drink, No alcohol Substitute for alcohol Belongingness Socializing drink at parties Caffeine, Taurine Energy + Stay awake Consumer Characteristics Consumer Characteristics Consumer behavior analysis Consumer behavior analysis Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Rohan Vyavaharkar ââ¬â National Communications Head ââ¬â RedBull India Ltd Pinakiranjan Mishra, National Leader, Consumer Products, Ernst & Young The biggest c hallenge for energy drinks is to establish product efficacy and reiterate their core benefits as consumers are wary of these products due to high caffeine contentâ⬠Ajay Chandwani, Director, Percept Ltd ââ¬Å"We are open to introducing Coke Burn shots in India if there is a strong case for it. We are also looking at ramping up distribution in other citiesâ⬠Kamlesh Sharma, GM, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca Cola India ââ¬Å"RedBull has consciously adopted a strategy of steering away from conventional media and chose to associate itself with extreme sports and youth centric activities to create a buzz in the market.The sales of energy drinks is as much a function of distribution as it is of marketingâ⬠ââ¬Å"High price is biggest barrier for this segment. Consumers would include burn in their consideration set if a smaller SKU at a lower price is made available in the marketâ⬠Rohan Vyavaharkar ââ¬â National Communications Head ââ¬â RedBull India Ltd Pinakiranjan Mishra, National Leader, Consumer Products, Ernst & Young ââ¬Å"The biggest challenge for energy drinks is to establish product efficacy and reiterate their core benefits as consumers are wary of these products due to high caffeine contentâ⬠Ajay Chandwani, Director, Percept Ltd ââ¬Å"We are open to introducing Coke Burn shots in India if there is a strong case for it. We are also looking at ramping up distribution in other citiesâ⬠Kamlesh Sharma, GM, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca Cola India ââ¬Å"RedBull has consciously adopted a strategy of steering away from conventional media and chose to associate itself with extreme sports and youth centric activities to create a buzz in the market. The sales of energy drinks is as much a function of distribution as it is of marketingâ⬠ââ¬Å"High price is biggest barrier for this segment.Consumers would include burn in their consideration set if a smaller SKU at a lower price is made available in the marketâ⬠However, more than half of our respondents felt that high price and high caffeine is deterrent while purchasing energy drinks. However, more than half of our respondents felt that high price and high caffeine is deterrent while purchasing energy drinks. Majority consumption happens at parties and pubs. Also a sizable chunk of consumption happens at home Majority consumption happens at parties and pubs. Also a sizable chunk of consumption happens at home Consumer InsightsConsumer Insights Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement According to our research, majority consumption is driven by college students to stay awake during exams. It is also used as a socializing and energizing drink. According to our research, majority consumption is driven by college students to stay awake during exams. It is also used as a socializing and energizing drink. To get a perspective on consumer insights we conducted a primary research with 40 consumers of energy drinks with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.To get a perspective on consumer insights we conducted a primary research with 40 consumers of energy drinks with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. Expert insights through in-depth interviews Expert insights through in-depth interviews Retailer insights Retailer insights Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement FCB matrix FCB matrix Brand Identity Prism Brand Identity Prism Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media MoneyMeasurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Key recommendations and take-aways 50ml shots Introduce 50ml Burn Energy shot priced at Rs. 40 to induce trial 0% caffeine Introduce a healthy diet/caffeine free variant of Burn Ramping up distribution Capitalizing on the RedBull ââ¬â RNG rift as well as developing strategic distribution partnerships New engagement platforms Promotion at college and music festivals and events as well as effective usage on online platforms Key recommendations and take-aways 50ml shots Introduce 50ml Burn Energy shot priced at Rs. 0 to induce trial 0% caffeine Introduce a healthy diet/caffeine free variant of Burn Ramping up distribution Capitalizing on the RedBull ââ¬â RNG rift as well as developing strategic distribution partnerships New engagement platforms Promotion at college and music festivals and events as well as effective usage on online platforms Through research we learnt that sales of energy drinks are a function of marketing as well as distribution. Hence, we recommend Burn to ramp up its distribution in more number of cities to supplement our marketing campaign.At retail outlets we recommend distributing collaterals that contain #Burn365, Turbocharge Your Passion contest details which will help us to engage with a wider audience Through research we lear nt that sales of energy drinks are a function of marketing as well as distribution. Hence, we recommend Burn to ramp up its distribution in more number of cities to supplement our marketing campaign. At retail outlets we recommend distributing collaterals that contain #Burn365, Turbocharge Your Passion contest details which will help us to engage with a wider audience Communication Channels Communication ChannelsMission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Experiential Marketing Experiential Marketing The key is not to advertise but to engage. Not to broadcast messages but to have a dialogue To associate Coke Burn as a drink that supports youngsters to pursue their passion and interests The key is not to advertise but to engage. Not to broadcast messages but to have a dialogue To associate Coke Burn as a drink that supports youngsters to pursue their passion and interests Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market M essage Media Money MeasurementBurnââ¬â¢s India website(www. burn. in) * With the absence of an India specific website we believe that the newly developed www. burn. in will be a perfect online platform to communicate Burnââ¬â¢s products and fresh marketing initiatives such as ââ¬Å"Wings on Fireâ⬠, ââ¬Å"#Burn365â⬠and ââ¬Å"Burntender ââ¬â Twist and Burnâ⬠. * It will be integrated with Burnââ¬â¢s social media accounts and will display information about Burnââ¬â¢s upcoming consumer engagement projects and initiatives. * This website will be directly linked to Cokeââ¬â¢s global and national webpage and we target close to 450 unique visits per day post its inceptionTargets Number of unique hits per day Number of linked websites Average time on site Bounce rate 15% 1. 5 minutes 45 450 Burnââ¬â¢s India website(www. burn. in) * With the absence of an India specific website we believe that the newly developed www. burn. in will be a perfect online p latform to communicate Burnââ¬â¢s products and fresh marketing initiatives such as ââ¬Å"Wings on Fireâ⬠, ââ¬Å"#Burn365â⬠and ââ¬Å"Burntender ââ¬â Twist and Burnâ⬠. * It will be integrated with Burnââ¬â¢s social media accounts and will display information about Burnââ¬â¢s upcoming consumer engagement projects and initiatives. This website will be directly linked to Cokeââ¬â¢s global and national webpage and we target close to 450 unique visits per day post its inception Targets Number of unique hits per day Number of linked websites Average time on site Bounce rate 15% 1. 5 minutes 45 450 Online Marketing Facebook Ads Mobile Marketing and Advergaming (Wings on Fire) Email marketing Launch Burnââ¬â¢s India website (www. burn. in) Viral Youtube advertisements and fan videos #Burn365 (year-long twitter campaign) Online Marketing Facebook Ads Mobile Marketing and Advergaming (Wings on Fire) Email marketing Launch Burnââ¬â¢s India website (www. u rn. in) Viral Youtube advertisements and fan videos #Burn365 (year-long twitter campaign) #Burn365 #Burn365 Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement The Plan Building up on successful social media brand building ventures adopted by KFC and Volkswagen, Coke Burn looks to adopt a similar strategy by hosting #Burn365, an open-for-all twitter competition that looks to engage young adults from across the country by offering prizes 365 days a year We see Burn365 as an opportunity to increase activity as well as follower count across social media platforms.Currently Burn is seriously lacking in terms of content as well as activity on its fan pages and the #Burn365 campaign would ensure increased user interaction with the brand as well as quality & unique content generation on the respective fan pages. This campaign will look to increase Burnââ¬â¢s social media presence as each day contestants can showcase their passion be it about spo rts, cars, movies, music, art or even burning social issues using the permitted 140 characters supported by a Twitpic or a Youtube video.On ground promotion during college festivals and events will see Burn representatives encouraging students to live-tweet #Burn365. Winner of the contest will win Burn merchandise. The Plan Building up on successful social media brand building ventures adopted by KFC and Volkswagen, Coke Burn looks to adopt a similar strategy by hosting #Burn365, an open-for-all twitter competition that looks to engage young adults from across the country by offering prizes 365 days a year We see Burn365 as an opportunity to increase activity as well as follower count across social media platforms.Currently Burn is seriously lacking in terms of content as well as activity on its fan pages and the #Burn365 campaign would ensure increased user interaction with the brand as well as quality & unique content generation on the respective fan pages. This campaign will look to increase Burnââ¬â¢s social media presence as each day contestants can showcase their passion be it about sports, cars, movies, music, art or even burning social issues using the permitted 140 characters supported by a Twitpic or a Youtube video.On ground promotion during college festivals and events will see Burn representatives encouraging students to live-tweet #Burn365. Winner of the contest will win Burn merchandise. Objectives Building brand awareness Driving traffic to respective fan pages Engage students and young adults via #Burn365 Increasing sales Objectives Building brand awareness Driving traffic to respective fan pages Engage students and young adults via #Burn365 Increasing sales RedBull has 811,638 followers which is 65 times the number of followers of the Burn twitter handle. Current ScenarioBurn Vs Red Bull RedBull has 811,638 followers which is 65 times the number of followers of the Burn twitter handle. Current Scenario Burn Vs Red Bull Stage 1 The user wil l be given an option to login via Facebook or twitter Stage 2 Depending on the userââ¬â¢s choice he would be asked to like & share / follow & tweet. Stage 3 The user will be given an option to login via Facebook or twitter Stage 4 The machine would dispense the free sample Stage 5 The machine would forcibly logout the user Stage 1 The user will be given an option to login via Facebook or twitter Stage 2Depending on the userââ¬â¢s choice he would be asked to like & share / follow & tweet. Stage 3 The user will be given an option to login via Facebook or twitter Stage 4 The machine would dispense the free sample Stage 5 The machine would forcibly logout the user Login via twitter or facebook Post a tweet using #Burn365 tagging @burn Follow @burn account for updates Like the Coke Burn Facebook page Share the page with a comment Check location settings Dispense the free 50 ml Burn shot Auto Logout Login via twitter or facebook Post a tweet using #Burn365 tagging @burn Follow @burn account for updatesLike the Coke Burn Facebook page Share the page with a comment Check location settings Dispense the free 50 ml Burn shot Auto Logout We intend to place Coke Burn vending machines at college events, concerts, BPOââ¬â¢s across the country. These machines would dispense Coke Burn 50ml sample shots at the cost of a tweet or a facebook like by the user. We intend to place Coke Burn vending machines at college events, concerts, BPOââ¬â¢s across the country. These machines would dispense Coke Burn 50ml sample shots at the cost of a tweet or a facebook like by the user. Coke Burn Vending MachinesCoke Burn Vending Machines Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Game Design Game Design After defeating the demons and completing the first round the player again has a brief interval where he sips Burn to get energized and moves on to the next level After defeating the demons and completing the first round the player again has a brief interval where he sips Burn to get energized and moves on to the next level The player begins the game by sipping a Burn to feel energized The player begins the game by sipping a Burn to feel energizedPlayer has to chase and target flying demons with a slingshot to earn points Player has to chase and target flying demons with a slingshot to earn points As the player successfully targets the flying demons their wings burn and crash on the ground thus preventing any counterattack by the demons on the player As the player successfully targets the flying demons their wings burn and crash on the ground thus preventing any counterattack by the demons on the player Rationale Rationale Non- intrusive, cost effective method of driving the message Non- intrusive, cost effective method of driving the messageAverage time spent by a gamer is 12-15 minutes Average time spent by a gamer is 12-15 minutes Consumers have deeper emotional engagement while gaming Consumers have deepe r emotional engagement while gaming Integrated Communication Message ââ¬â Turbocharge Your Passion Integrated Communication Message ââ¬â Turbocharge Your Passion Wings on Fire (Advergaming) Wings on Fire (Advergaming) Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement The game reinforces Burnââ¬â¢s key value proposition of providing energy to win The game is also a tacit attack on competitor Red Bull that claims to give you ââ¬Ëwingsââ¬â¢.Upon hitting the demons successfully the message ââ¬Å"Bullied! â⬠pops up. High scorers of the game get free Burn merchandise. The game reinforces Burnââ¬â¢s key value proposition of providing energy to win The game is also a tacit attack on competitor Red Bull that claims to give you ââ¬Ëwingsââ¬â¢. Upon hitting the demons successfully the message ââ¬Å"Bullied! â⬠pops up. High scorers of the game get free Burn merchandise. Engagement Platform| Organizer| Audience| Cost| Mood Indigo| IIT Bombay| 60,000| Rs. 30,00,00| Malhar| Xaviers| 30,000| Rs. 1,50,000| Crossroads| SRCC| 50,000| Rs. 2,00,000|ArcharyaHabba| ArcharyaInstitue| 30,000| Rs. 1,00,000| Standard Chartered Marathon| Procam| 96,000| Rs. 8,00,000| SunBurn| Percept| 1,00,000| Rs. 10,00,000| Eristoff Invasion| Only Much Louder| 20,000| Rs. 4,00,000| Bartending Competition| Burn| 120| Rs. 2,00,000| Burn 365| Burn| 60,000| Rs. 1,50,000| www. burn. in| Burn| 40,000| Rs. 40,000| Wings on Fire| Zapak/Zynga| 30,000| Rs. 5,00,000| Total Impact| | 5,16,120| Rs. 38,40,000 ( Rs 7. 44 per person)| Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Cost Implications Cost ImplicationsMeasurement Measurement * The Economic Times * Euromonitor * Business Standard * Marketing report by Teja Ande, Docstoc * Industry Estimates gathered from colleges and media buyers * Aaker, J. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality (p. 352) * The Economic Times * Euromonitor * Business Standard * Marketing report by Teja Ande, Docstoc * Industry Estimates gathered from colleges and media buyers * Aaker, J. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality (p. 352) References References Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement Mission Market Message Media Money Measurement
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